Retirement Weekly
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest information about retirement, finances, tax planning, and the markets.
The Medicare Open Enrollment Period is the time during which Medicare beneficiaries can make new choices and pick plans that work best for them. Each year, Medicare plan costs and coverage...
Tax reform changes to the standard deduction and itemized deductions may affect your ability to obtain an income tax benefit from charitable giving. Projecting how you'll be affected by these...
We recently wrote an article about unanticipated factors in your retirement equation. We discussed the “how much you have when you retire” minus “how much you will need in...
A recent study performed by the investment research firm, Openfolio, found that the wealthiest 1 percent of American investors had higher returns, or less of a loss, than the rest of investors,...
There are a lot of questions that come up when retirement planning, all of them are important, and all of them are unique, but of all the questions there is one that really cuts through all of the...
Fees are a common facet of an investment plan, but it's important to understand exactly what your fees are paying for. Oftentimes, people pay fees for static management, that isn't working for...
Last Saturday morning, I read an article in The Business Insider about what creates lasting personal relationships. It spoke of psychologist John Gottman, who set up "The Love Lab" in 1986, with...
I often joke with folks about all of the abbreviations in the financial industry. IRA, RIA, FIA, VA, IUL, PFS, CFP; it’s crazy. Sometimes it sounds like a really disturbing spelling bee. I...
When it comes to retirement planning, we say all the time that there are very few hard and fast rules for what an investor should do. Each investor faces a unique situation, with unique...
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